ZoneOut and Postfix


I recently switched to Postfix as an E-mail server.

How do I configure ZoneOut to work with Postfix?

In my I have set

relayhost = mail2.zoneeditcom:587

and have set the sasl_passwd content to: ''

I get this error in mail.log

"relayhost configuration problem"
"Name service error for type=A: Host not found"

Almost looks like a DNS lookup problem, though all DNS tests pass with ease.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi there
the outbound mail for​

is currently disabled. can you please enable and try again and let me know how it goes.... it would need to be enabled and in use for us to diagnose the problem.

additionally.. yours is a paid account so you can use the Get Support link your mermebers page to use the ticketing system :)

OK. I'm not sure how that happened, but I noticed that it is getting set to expire. Does that autorenew?
Also, I noticed that the link to "SMTP usage" shows only blanks for now and for all passed months, (in ZoneOut), for both of my domains here. I keep my own records of such things so it is not an issue for me, but I thought that you could use a 'heads up" on that.
the service will auto renew... can you let me know after you have sent a few test messages so I can check the counter.

I have noticed that you no longer use for outbound service and are now using though I did not get a notification.

I adjusted but get an error. Info following

Sending via PostFix

PostFix entry:
"relayhost = []:587"

Relevant error:
"status=deferred (host[] said: 454 4.7.1 <**>: Relay access denied (in reply to RCPT TO command))"

Has something else changed WRT your outbound mail service? Thanks.

PS, updated the sasl_passwd file as well.
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the mail out server is assigned to individual domains.. so you have a different one for each You can view which server hs been assigned via the outbound link on the mail settings on each domain name. would be using

Relay access denied generally means incorrect authentication is being used.. or no credentials at all...

Thanks for the response.
Is there anyway that you can have and use the same mail out server?

They are effectively, one and the same.

Also, I have tried both and, (using same password), and the mail.log always reports;
"(host[] said: 454 4.7.1 <**>: Relay access denied (in reply to RCPT TO command))"
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Hi again.. I will look into the host name synch for you... to be sure .. are you using the full domain name as the user ID? and perhaps a quick password change and try the new password as well.. just to help diagnostically.

I am using as name for mailout. I will change the password.

I just noticed that the username on the outbound mail control panel is not the same as the name I use when sending mail from my E-mail server. Has that been changed or are they not the same?

I have tried all possible combinations of name/password and the log still reports "Relay access denied".
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hi again the user name would always have been the domain name the service is for and the mail server should be the one listed on the Outbound settings.

hi there yes... you would create a host record for your mail server.. say and point it at your IP address.. then use that host as the mail server with the port you are using as example.

That does not appear to be correct.

What you should be using is:

Outbound Server:
Username: (your domain name)
Password: your Zoneout password
Ports: 465 (SSL), 587, 2025, 2026, 20025, 20026
I have tried both the old way and sans "relay@" without success, including changing my password on my account at your administration site.

I have tried every combination available, but since you changed your setup around December, I can no longer relay anything via your

Always the error is the same no matter what, (assuming that it reached your relay server of course);

(host[] said: 454 4.7.1 <[addressee]>: Relay access denied (in reply to RCPT TO command))

Some peculiarity in the new relay method no doubt. Damned if I know what it is.
Present in sasl_passwd file now;[my passwrd]

That yields the above posted error. I'm starting to think about the "flotation test".
Relay Access Denied typically means you're connecting to our server but not providing proper username/password information (or none at all).

sasl_password=[your Zoneout password]

You can log into your Zoneedit account and edit the Zoneout service to reset the password to ensure you're entering the correct information.
"you would create a host record for your mail server.. say and point it at your IP address.. then use that host as the mail server with the port you are using as example."

I modified my existing settings on my account page at zoneedit, for said domain; "" I essentially just added ":2525" to the existing setup under Mail Setup in MX Records. It insisted on a "Pref" of "5' which I assume is normal.

No port redirection occurs however. No mail reaches my server though testing via a 3rd party using" gets the E-mail to me with lightning speed.

What am I missing?
