ZoneEdit Account constantly requesting login - Zonedit almost entirely unusable


New Member
Long time ZoneEdit user with a migrated account. When I try to navigate or do anything within the ZoneEdit system I am constantly being thrown back to the login screen. Can happen on any action clicked on. Happens 90% of the time. Trying to add a simple TXT records that takes a handful of clicks is near impossible. It's like a video game... you get 1 or 2 levels in.. .then killed and thrown back to the very beginning again to start all over. Took half an hour and 30 attempts just to create a single record. Completely ridiculous. I can't even stay logged in long enough to delete a record. Am completely unable to manage my domains and am locked into everything that was previously defined without ability to change anything.

Now support stopped answering emails and this forum is the only option.

Can some one at Zone Edit please reset my account or do whatever so that it can function????
most likely your IP was changing mid session.. what is a domain name in the account?

my IP is and always has been static so I don't believe that was the issue. my ZE account is same as my forum id

I did inquire the other admin what he actually changed but haven't heard back yet.