NS inadvertently strips subdomain from NS records


New Member
I have set the following NS records for example.com in the interface:

example.com ns1.example.org default
example.com ns2.example.org default
subdomain.example.com dns1.zoneedit.com default
subdomain.example.com dns2.zoneedit.com default​

Here is what your name server makes of it:

example.com. 10800 IN NS ns1.example.org.
example.com. 10800 IN NS ns2.example.org.
example.com. 10800 IN NS dns1.zoneedit.com.
example.com. 10800 IN NS dns2.zoneedit.com.​

I am trying to delegate the subdomain to zoneedit, whilst keeping the rest of the zone on example.org name servers. Expected behaviour would be the zoneedit servers reflecting the subdomain in the NS records.

Bug or feature?


Staff member
if you wanted a stand alone zone file for a sub domain then that sub domain name would also have to have its own managed zone file. What is the domain name of concern and I an check this for you.



New Member
That would be most appreciated - if you don't mind looking up my e-mail address from the board? That's the domain in question :) there is only one subdomain set up and that way I won't have it to worry about search engines crawling this post.


Staff member

so for domain.com... it is on the dns provider or domain.com where you would set ns records for a sub domain pointing to zoneedit nameservers. on your zoneedit members page the sub domain would be added for service and not the parent domain name... so on your zoneedit members page you could then create host records etc... for something.sub.domain.com and so forth....

does this sound like what you are trying to achieve?



New Member
Thank you for your time :)

Well, I'm really only looking at something.domain.com that I would like to be handled by zoneedit (the host that is set up as DynDNS already).

I was thinking, the same way that
com delegates domain.com to my ns1.example.org name servers
domain.com should delegate something.domain.com to your dns1.zoneedit.com name servers.​

So, just as com has NS records for example.com pointing to example.org, I have set up NS records on example.org for something.example.com pointing to dns1.zoneedit.com

(Originally, I tried to sign up the zoneedit service for the subdomain, but it changed it to the parent domain automatically.)
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