Mailmap outage?

Acid Test John

New Member
Emails going via ZoneEdit are getting bounced. Or at least they're not getting through to the mail server at iinet. Has the ZoneEdit mail server been blacklisted again?
Hello. Yes, it appears our mailforwarders were RBLed again at Spamhaus. We have successfully requested delisting, so email should start working again quite soon.
Hello again. I'm not seeing my emails which are routed via Zone Edit coming through to the mail server. Is the ZoneEdit email server blacklisted? I've tried looking at spamhaus for myself and can't tell.
Thanks for getting back to me Sandy. Nothing is coming through yet. My domain is and email normally goes through to mailboxes at my ISP Something similar happened around the end of May. Apparently that was due to the zoneedit mail server being blacklisted. Nothing's been changed with my setting in the meanwhile.
Hello Sandy. Whatever magic you have performed has done the job. There was a huge deluge of emails in my in-box when I woke up this morning. And I've seen more come in since, so all's well. Out of interest, what was the issue?
hi again had blocked us... we submitted a delist request.

Sorry to bother you again. Are you able to tell if has just blocked ZoneEdit's email server again? This is getting to be a bit too regular with them. I'm seriously considering changing to another ISP.
Hi again yes. it was. for some reason this does happen more frequently with .au ISPs. regards
its caused by the reports of spam.... and they are unfounded as we forward mail and are not the original sender.
hi again had blocked us... we submitted a delist request.

I'll do the same. I've got emails relating to my next job that are held up which I need to read as a matter of urgency. I'll include your point about not being the originator. It's interesting to note that I've used the mail mapping service without problem for at least 15 years without problem, and had three blockages in 3 months. iiNet are getting over exuberant with their blacklisting. It may be time to change ISP's, once I've got all my emails up to date.
Hi, I am not receiving mail forwards on my domain...I have a catchall and only some of them are getting through. I just tested. Please help... they're forwarded to my gmail, if that makes a difference. Why only some of them would be blocked is beyond doesn't seem to follow any logic.
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there is an issue with iinet blocking our mailservers,. We have submitted several delist requests.

The issue is the ISP IINET, they are blocking all our mailserver IPs and have not responded to any queries from ourselfs or their customers.