How to use URL Forwarding?


New Member
Hello Zoneedit Users,

I am asking for assistance on how the URL Forwarding works, if I wanted to redirect my site to a different site, would I put in @ for the host, URL i want to redirect to in the URL section, checkmark 301 and leave the TTL blank? I was wondering if these are the right settings and how long it would take for me to be able to test it. Thanks!


Staff member
hi there what is the domain name of concern? and yes in most cases the host would be the @ sign and the URL will be the URL you want to point to. The TTL can be left blank as the record will use the TTL value in the SOA... once record is set it should propagate within three hours for new domains added to your account.. as the default TTL in the SOA is three hours.


Staff member
its set properly. If you wanted the www version to also go there you can create a URL forward for the www record or create a Cname where host www points at
