Email mapping not working

Glenn Melbourne

New Member
Email mapping in my account gfullage1 is not working. Emails sent to the bob@domain and robert@domain are not landing in the mail box provided by my ISP All other email forwarders are working, it's just these two specifically to I've contacted them and they can't see anything wrong on their end nor can tey see any emails coming in when I send a forwarded email, so looks like the mappings aren't working. I've tried deleting and re-adding them.

I can send emails from anywhere to my ISP inbox so it looks like the problem is at zoneedit with emails using my domain and then being redirected. Any suggestions where I can look?

EDIT: Forgot to mention I have about 15 other mailmaps in this domain to various places and all work OK, it's just the two directed to that aren't, which does imply to me it's at their end but they say there's nothing wrong and they're not seeing any emails come in when I send them to the forwarder address.
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Sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues. We are currently looking into this. I will get back to you asap.
Following up, the issue should be resolved now. Please try the forwarding and let me know whether you are still experiencing problems.
Apologies, but I've tested this and it still seems broken. Emails don't arrive and I get no error message back. Just sent one now if you need to look at logs.

Sorry for the delay in responding. We have set up a shunt, so hopefully it will work for you. Please give it a shot. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sorry but nope, have sent a few more test emails and they still don't get delivered. Is it something I can ping with, or is it on your side? Sorry to be a pain.

Sorry to hear that the problem persists. We may have been being blocked by, but that seems to have been resolved. Sorry to ask but can you give it another shot? T2 sees your hotmail map and says that it is working.