Documentation for Dynamic DNS Update API


New Member
I was wondering if there was any documentation for the Dynamic DNS update endpoint. I can't seem to find any in the Knowledge Base or in the forums. The reason is that the ez-ipupdate tool doesn't seem to use HTTPS (or at least I can't figure out how to configure it), so I figured I'd just make my own for Linux. Looked at the Javascript updater (which also doesn't use HTTPS by default) which is pretty straight forward, but I'd like an official description of the available query parameters. Also, if there are other URIs which are applicable, that could be helpful also.


New Member
Thanks for the info. That's what I was looking for.

A couple more questions. In the EasyDNS article you posted, it mentions the following:

If you do code a client for easyDNS, please email our support team so we can keep you informed of any changes . . .

Is their update service the same as ZoneEdit's? That is, do changes to their updater service apply to ZoneEdit as well? Should I get update notifications from their team or is there a ZoneEdit specific team which makes updates to your systems?


Staff member
any updates to easyDNS would also be updated on zoneedit. that said... I don't think we have ever made any changes that required any contact. all changes have always been backwards compatible
