Email Forwarding Delays


New Member

CableOne's response was that they "don't support 3rd party servers", meaning ZoneEdit. I've been using CableOne and ZoneEdit together for over 10 years and haven't had this problem until recently. I think CableOne is blowing me off with that comment but I wanted to check back with you to make sure you don't think it has someone to do with ZoneEdit. Has anything at ZoneEdit changed in the past few months that could account for the arise of this issue? CableOne says they haven't change anything for about 2 years. Something changed 2-3 months ago that is causing this problem because I worked fine for years prior.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Staff member
no changes that should affect anything like the current concern.

do you have any new logs we can look at?



New Member

It got so unbearable I was forced to quit using CableOne for email since my last post. I switched to gmail and it's working perfect.

Thanks again for the help


Staff member
is that right wow... well I am happy to hear its working for you now.

thanks and take care


New Member
I've had several issues arise with CableOne over the years. Their general attitude is that if a customer has a problem, too bad. Unfortunately, they are the only realistic option I have for high speed internet in my area so I'm forced to use them and have for something like 13 years now. Fortunately, I don't have to use them for email just because they are my ISP. Most of my trouble with them over the years has been email related. I'm only asking myself why I stayed on their email so long. What was I thinking. Having my own domain named email and using ZoneEdit to forward makes it a trivial process to switch email providers.