Who is "mydomain.com"?


New Member
I recieved an e-mail from "mydomain.com". It states that my domain will expire within 5 days if I don't renew with them. I originally registered my domain name with ZONEEDIT, so, why am I now being directed to RENEW through this "other" company?

Below, is the e-mail I recieved:

"One or more of your domain names will expire in five days. If you wish to keep this domain, please renew it right now. If you let your domain expire, ALL EMAIL ADDRESSES AND WEBSITES THAT USE THIS DOMAIN WILL STOP WORKING FIVE DAYS FROM NOW.
(If you do not wish for this domain name to be renewed, please disregard this message.)

The name due for renewal is:
Domain Name, Expiry Date
thomasamorris.com, 2015-08-17
To renew your domain, log into DomainCentral, the MyDomain.com domain management interface:


You should see a list of your domains, and a column on the far right labeled "Renew." Click the "Manual" link for the domain that is about to expire. Then select the number of years for which you want to renew the domain. Finally, verify your credit card information and process payment for the renewal.

If you have any questions, please let us know! We appreciate your business and want to ensure that your services renew successfully. Call us at 800-405-7875 or submit a ticket via our online Support Console:

Best wishes,
The MyDomain.com Team"
the legacy zoneedit , I believe had some arrangement with domain.com for registrations but this is not available at present. You may want to contact what is listed as the registrar for the domain name after doing a whois lookup and contact that registrar.
