Transfer Ownership


New Member
Our website is already using ZoneEdit for DNS.
Another company (IT company) has been managing the DNS records for us, but now we want to manage the DNS records in-house.

We will keep the DNS records with ZoneEdit, but just need to transfer ownership from the IT company over to us.

We signed up for a free account simply for DNS record management.

How do we transfer DNS record ownership?

To clarify - your domain is already using zoneedit for DNS, but you want to move the domain into your own account to take of your own DNS in house?
All your IT company needs is the username of your account to move the domain and its zone records to you.
Here are instructions on how to do so:
Yes, the domain is parked with another company for the domain registrar. (domain ownership transfer is also in progress)
ZoneEdit is used for all DNS records.
We will stay with ZoneEdit for the DNS records, but just want the ownership changed from the IT company to our company.
Send this help article to the IT company that currently manages the domain and they can move the domain into your new account, Provide them with your new username.