Switch to using ZoneEdit for my domain


New Member
I already have a domain registered through 1&1 and am using DynDns (now called Dyn.com) as the authoritative DNS for my domain. I would like to switch to using ZoneEdit for my authoritative DNS for my domain. Is there more for me to do other than disabling my domain with Dyn and enabling it with ZoneEdit?

To be clear, I have not tried anything yet, I am just trying to make sure I don't have any gotchas when I try to switch over. I'm not real clear about the terminology regarding DNS hosting so if responses could use the "explain it like I'm 5" philosophy, it would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
once you have set up the domain name on your zoneedit members page and verified that the DDNS is working as expected.
( that would be using your DDNS updater and then checking the zoneedit nameservers directly to see if they have the correct IP)

then it will be OK to contact the domains registrar and delegate zoneedit nameservers to the domain name.



New Member
Thanks for the response. One more question. I've been looking for a list of recommended DDNS updater clients on your website and I can't seem to find one. Is there are list of recommended clients? Do you guys have your own (if so, where can I download it)? I typically use Linux systems, so the client would have to be Linux compatible.