Round Robin with Dynamic DNS?


New Member

I have access to 2 x internet lines that go into my dual WAN router. I was interested in using both internet connections to essentially load balance users I have accessing a service on one server.

My goal was to somehow have a Dynmaic DNS client on a host that is mapped to each WAN. Both of them update lets say with the dymanic IP of each internet line. That way when a user types in the url, it is a coin toss I understand, but they would organically pick random ones at random times, that way no one line is overly burdened.

Is that setup achievable with Zone edit? Everything points towards Round robin being an easy answer.

Thanks ahead of time for any help!
hi there two dynamic records for the same host is not supported. as well , with round robin DNS,, the initial IP a resolver grabs tends to be cached so there can be dead lookups at times unfortunately.

Thanks for the reply!

Based on my desired use case, how would I accomplish this using Zone Edit services? I'd appreciate any pointers, whether free or paid service.
you cannot use round robin with Dynamic DNS, do you have at lest one static IP you can use as well as a dynamic record for that same host?

I fully understand I can not use Round Robin, I think I phrased my question poorly.

Using zoneeidt, and only having dynamic IPs, without the use of round robin or access to Static IPs, is there anyway at all to "load balance" one host on 2 dynamic IPs with free or paid for services with zone edit?

Thank you :)