Reactive an inactive Free slot with a new domain name


New Member
I have 3 free domain (DNS) slots, with one of them inactive but with an old domain name still attached. I would like to register a new domain name and use the inactive slot. I do not want to lose my free slot by doing something wrong. What is the process to do this? Thanks.
hi there Please let me know one of the domain names in the account and I will be better served to offer assistance.

hi, one of the names is I went into the Register Domain, and it appears that I actually have 5 slots (I am an old user), so it says I still have two unused slots. So, it appears that I am okay.
hi there Please let me know one of the domain names in the account and I will be better served to offer assistance.

Is it possible to re-use the slot that as assigned to it for another domain name? Thanks.
if you delete it via the domain settings tab then you can use it again for a free zone.
