I have set my own mailserver in the MX record for my domain and it is not showing up correctly in a simple query to the zoneedit DNS servers, much less to any other nameserver.
It is showing:
> dig -t ANY quantumachine.net @dns2.zoneedit.com
quantumachine.net. 86400 IN MX 5 mx-caprica.zoneedit.com.
But I have set:
I wonder why it is not being updated. By the way mail.quantumachine.net resolves correctly :
mail.quantumachine.net. 9283 IN CNAME quantumachine.net.
Best regards,
Antonio Huete
I have set my own mailserver in the MX record for my domain and it is not showing up correctly in a simple query to the zoneedit DNS servers, much less to any other nameserver.
It is showing:
> dig -t ANY quantumachine.net @dns2.zoneedit.com
quantumachine.net. 86400 IN MX 5 mx-caprica.zoneedit.com.
But I have set:
I wonder why it is not being updated. By the way mail.quantumachine.net resolves correctly :
mail.quantumachine.net. 9283 IN CNAME quantumachine.net.
Best regards,
Antonio Huete