Is there a cost to transfer Domain away from ZoneEdit to another service?


New Member
Having a bit of a problem with transferring a domain away from ZoneEdit -- If I understand correctly, there is a $19.00 fee to transfer the domain?
Thank you for the quick response. This domain has been with ZoneEdit since 2014 and is a Legacy Free Hosting. The only options I have are dns/email/switch registrar/manage. When I select switch registrar, it takes me to a page requesting a fee to move to another provider.
Am I just not seeing something? Thanks in advance.
what is the domain name of concern? any fees would be to transfer the domain TO zoneedit the way you arr describing it
The domain is For some reason I just can't find how to transfer away, believe me, I've looked. thanks
the registrar is Registrar URL: so you would need to contact them to assist transferring the domain to another registrar. Its not using zoneedit for any services at present.
