DNS not updating

James Goodwin

New Member

I have two domains with you, jg-services.co.uk and resourcefuylgroup.co.uk. Recently had a ip address change (dynamic DNS) and I can see that it has been changed correctly in the Zoneedit Control Panel but it is not being populated on any DNS servers. If I query the responsible DNS servers directly (ns18 and ns3 for resourceful and ns14 and ns7 for jg-services), I get a no response from server. I have also tried rehashing the domains (going to control panel --> dns --> next --> yes to confirm) but this has also made no difference. Please can you investigate




New Member
I am having the same problem.

The IP address has updated in the zonedit control panel, but if I query the dns even the zoneedit dns servers are giving out the old IP. The update was over 24 hours ago.

James Goodwin

New Member
Login to the control panel and then click on 'dns' by your domain name. Make sure that you are in "Streamlined Editor" and that the ip being shown is the correct one then click on "Next". On next screen click on "confirm"

James Goodwin

New Member
Sorry no, I'm just another user. From a tech point of view it looks like the serial number for the zone file is not being updated when a dynamic client updates an ip and therefore the hosting DNS servers for your domain don't know a change has been made and therefore don't resync. By forcing a re-hash of the domain, the serial number changes and the hosting DNS servers update. May not be the problem but that is my gut feeling. Glade the refresh worked for you.

Brad C.

Staff member
Hello, the problems with DYN updates not propagating has been corrected. Sorry for the trouble.