Configuring DNS-O-Matic to update multiple zones and throttling 702 errors


New Member

I'm using DNS-O-Matic to update several domains and subdomains, but I'm regularly getting throttling 702 errors reported back to me.

Is the throttling error because DNS-O-Matic tried to update the same zone more than once within 600 seconds, or is it because ZoneEdit received multiple requests keyed to my API Key within 600 seconds?

Each domain/subdomain is configured in DNS-O-Matic as a separate "service". I tried changing the service to include all of them as a comma-separated list, as I thought I saw discussion in the forums here that that syntax is supported. But it appears that string is longer than what either DNS-O-Matic or the ZoneEdit API can take and the error message I got back with Error 709 Invalid hostname showed that the last entry in that comma-separated list was truncated. It's not clear whether that comma-separated syntax is just not supported, or just that the list contained a truncated value (i.e., an invalid domain).



Staff member
HI there. Can you please reply with a domain name or two of concern so we can check the DYN logs available.



Staff member
That's exactly why you are getting that message. You may just need to space the updates out to 10 min (600 seconds) to avoid that message. We see see in the logs that the comma separation doesn't seem to work, but we are afraid we don't know much about DNS-o-Matic, we don't know if it's comma to separate, or some other symbol. Perhaps a comma and a space, not just the comma
