
  1. gctwnl

    Where is SMTP backup service in the portal? (Contact form doesn't work)

    I was checking up on my ZoneEdit account looking for my use of the SMTP backup service. It's been a while that I was logged in (just buying credits I suspect). But I can't find where I can set things. I could not even turn it off if I wanted to(I do not want that). But I can't find where I can...
  2. E

    how to transfer in the DNS record

    Hi, Just added a domain to zoneedits DNS. Nameservers are changed, but the rest of the DNS record is not updated. Must this be updated manually with the DNSW settings editor, or can this be imported bulk? It is 20 items long with a lot of ip addresses etc
  3. M

    Set up MX records with dynamic DNS

    Followed some advice in this forum to set up an MX record in a dynamic DNS environment. i have a successfully working dynamic host that is being updated. there is a DYN record for it at both: I have created an MX record: MAIL FOR ZONE MAIL SERVER...