Urgent Issue


New Member
Seeing this PTR record appear:

PTR records
mail. xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.in-addr.arpa

The address stops at mail. and the IP address is incorrect. When you click to edit you get the below:

This feature is disabled because domain.com is not a reverse DNS zone

While not life or death, when switching email servers this is not a good thing.

Multiple support requests to ZoneEdit have gone unanswered so far. Can anyone help me figure out what the issue could be and how I can get the correct Reverse DNS record?

Mark Jeftovic (#fb)

Staff member
Normally PTR records do not go into forward zones (that's why you get the error) - we did notice when we imported the data there were a bunch of zones setup that way, they were all broken (the PTR records were, they never worked). I can't drill down on this without knowing the specifics - can you send me the IP address and which zone you have the PTR in either here in this thread or IM me.