Additonal free domains link missing


New Member
Hey Guys,

I'm a lagacy user with 1 free DNS domain hosted with Zoneedit. When I go to "add a new domain" through I'm not seeing the link to add additional free DNS domains. My understanding is I should see a link with 4 free DNS domain credits remaining.




Staff member
Hi. I see that you created the ZoneEdit account which matches your handle on 14 Mar. 2018. New accounts are restricted to one free DNS slot. Are you referring to a different account?


New Member
Thanks for your reply.

To be honest I don't know when I registered at ZoneEdit. I can only say that on the date you mention I was about to create a new account when I found this handle in my notes and I was surprised that the account still existed and that I could still enter it using the password I had in my notes too. I haven't used this handle nor this password format recently for other registration purposes.

I had to create a new account to enter this forum, that's for sure, but that's only a few days ago. The handle for didn't work here.

As I said I don't remember when I registered at ZoneEdit and I didn't record the date either. I've started doing so more recently. If you say It was on 14 Mar. 2018 you must be right. Anyway, I can't prove otherwise. I still think I registered many years ago, maybe even in 2006 when I finally found a free domain which included free DNS service and I forgot about this account.

But hey, beggars can't be choosers, so I would be perfectly happy with three free DNS domains hosted with ZoneEdit and if that's impossible I'll continue to use ZoneEdit free DNS service for just one domain, no problem.