"DNS Ready: OK To Delegate"


New Member
one again - sorry I haven't found an answer in the other threads.

for my domain "s v m a i n . d e" (without the blanks, thing server maintanence .de)
I like to have an secondary Namesever entry at Zoneedit.com

I had create this domain after login and
I have entry this entried in named.conf of my BIND DNS server, how I has been informed:

zone "example.de" in {
type master;
file "master/example_de.db";
allow-transfer {;; };
also-notify {;; };
notify yes;

But the domain info shows that:

Domain Type:Secondary DNS
Application Type: Nameserver Delegation
DNS Subscription:NONE
Active Portfolio: NONE
Date Added: 08-Sep-2017

Assigned to User: "me"

Domain Status: DNS Ready: OK To Delegate

The primary server info on zoneedit shows the right status. It points to the IP of my server where is a bind runing and this should be the primary DNS.

In the cache overview in the zoneedit website, for this domain, are the RRs, like I has been set on my primary DNS server in the zonefile. So it looks all correct.

But, I do not understand what I have "to delegate" now - and how can I fixed that.

Thank all for you answer and your help

Last edited:
hi there

the domain seems fine as set to secondary DNS... its still set as:
"DNS Ready: OK To Delegate
as zoneedit nameservers are not yet delegated at the domains registrar.

you will need to contacg the domains registrar and add:


If you can please let me know wnce thats complete I can set the domain to active

Thanks Sandy,

I have done this yet yesterday. This is a part of the confirmation eMail:

SUCCESS NS upd s v m a n . d e

Dear customer,
we processed your request successfully.
ns entry was updated for domain s v m a n . d e.
; zone file for s v m a n .d e (vS-hetzner)
$TTL 3600
$ORIGIN s v m a n . d e.
; Pri-Nameserver eMail
@ IN SOA ns1.s v m a n .d e. hlangner.alice-dsl.net. (
2017083001 ; serial, todays date + !serial must be upgrade!
1h ; refresh, hour
1h ; retry, minute
1w ; expire, week
1d ) ; minimum, days
; DNS Servers
IN NS n s 1. s v m a n .d e. ; Inet Address of name server
IN NS dns1.zoneedit.com. ; Inet Address of name server (Second-1)
IN NS dns2.zoneedit.com. ; Inet Address of name server (Second-2)
; MX Record

would be fine if this solve the problem.

ahh .. it has not yet reached the .de root servers:

dig @s.de.net ns svman.de

; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>> @s.de.net ns svman.de
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 31779
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

;svman.de. IN NS

svman.de. 86400 IN NS robotns2.second-ns.de.
svman.de. 86400 IN NS ns1.first-ns.de.
svman.de. 86400 IN NS robotns3.second-ns.com.

perhaps contact the registrar again to see if the request was received properly

I'm having this issue and read the thread, but I don't understand how it was fixed. solutionsmga.com is my new domain and I get the 'ready to delegate' message.
the domain would have been set as active at midnight tonight ... its cosmetic.. DNS will still function as long as zoneedit servers are delegated.
I have set it to active for you now.
