can't delete some mailmaps


New Member
I have some mailmaps setup for my Scout Jamboree Troop and for some reason they are duplicated several times. I just want them gone so I can try again. I clicked on the boxs to remove them, hit next, it has me confirm, then done...yet they never go away. I've tried getting rid of all of them and just a few. The preview screen where I confirm the changes look correct does have them gone...yet after finishing the delete they are still there (even after hours of waiting).
sorry to hear this,

can you please reply with the domain name of concern.

ok for me to test this I would need an authenticated request so... can you send in an email to, attn sandy
and include the mailmaps you want deleted as your authorization please include the answer to the second security question from the Your Info 'link on your accounts
left side bar. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

I need all of the mail forwards deleted from my account. I am unable to do so myself.

It is getting to a point I am unable to use "" the way I need to because of this problem. I can not understand how the system duplicated the mail forward so many times. I can "edit" the list. I can click on the items I want removed. I can click the next button and confirm that the mail forwards I want deleted are gone from the list. But the last button press to actually activate those changes says it's done but the forwards remain.

Thank you,
Gregory Erway
hmmm ... did you want to delete all the mail maps for

First, thank you Sandy for getting my issue resolved.
Second, as a software engineer myself, I played around a bit and can recreate this. I thought I would pass along the information so it can be investigated to possible avoid the issue for others in the future.

I had several e-mail addresses that I wanted to have a single mail forward go to all of them (40+), let's call the mailforward
I entered the edit screen and find 5 empty entries at the bottom for adding new mail forwards.
I put in the first box of each of the 5 boxes and put 5 different e-mail addresses in the second column box.
I then save this. I quickly realize that some of the 5 new entries are combined into one mail forward but not all. There are sometimes multiple mail forwards created. There seems to be an issue in the code that recognizes a repeat mail forward name.
I was able to work around this by doing only 1 entry at a time and only doing so by finding the mail forward in the list and adding a comma with one new address to be added...then save, commit, done.
It is possible that I could add multiple entries to the mail forward with a comma between each e-mail and I did not try that. Partially because I remember doing that last time at one point when things were first messed up.
I hope this is able to help zoneedit discover a potential bug you can work to fix.
Until then I will try to be safe in my additions to my mail forwards and to not do the commit step if there appear to be multiple mail forwards listed with the same name (during this testing I hit cancel when I saw this).

Thanks again.