Zoneedit with WordPress


New Member
I use WordPress for our corporate website.
WordPress requires I use it's DNS which has worded fine whilst my server had a static IP.

My mail server is now on a Dynamic IP so I have created a ZoneEdit account for this, however, I am unsure of how to set this up with WordPress hosting the DNS records...


Staff member
What's your domain name?

DyanamicDNS service of ours requires that you host your dynamic domain on our nameservers. The basic operation is that your dyn client connects to our dynamicdns server and gives it your IP. Our server updates this IP over to our nameserver cluster and if the IP has changed, your zone will be reloaded with the new IP.

Now, if you do not have your DNS with us, we can't do this update because of the obvious reason that we don't have access to WordPress's nameservers. Hence, from the initial looks of it, dynamic dns is not possible for your current set-up.